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2019 Symposium materials

Thank you for joining us at the 37th annual Child Abuse Prevention Symposium on Friday, April 12, 2019 at Villa Ragusa. Check out the presentation materials, media coverage, and other useful links from the event below.

Speak out! confronting the culture of child sexual abuse and secrecy

Media coverage

Live Stream of Jordyn Wieber's Symposium Presentation

Keynote address by Victor Vieth, JD, MA

Plenary session with Susan Hardie, RN, Ph.D.

Workshop: In the Hall with a Perpetrator: Sexual Assault in Juvenile Detention Then and Now

Workshop: Building Our Children's Future: Creating a Child Advocacy Center for Santa Clara County

Workshop: Child Sexual Abuse: A Risk Factor for Sex Trafficking and Justice System Involvement

Additional links and resources

To report suspected child sexual abuse, call the Santa Clara County Department of Family and Children’s Services at (833) SCC-KIDS, 9-1-1 or your local law enforcement agency

Congratulations to the 2019 Angel Award Recipient, Margaret Petros, and 2019 Child Protector of the Year Recipient Grace Leonis!


2018 Symposium materials

Keynote address by Dr. Colleen Friend

Volunteer spotlight: Bikers Against Child Abuse (B.A.C.A)

Plenary session Address by David Love, LMFT

Workshop: Children exposed to domestic violence

Workshop: Cultural humility: A lifelong perspective and practice

Workshop: The family court conundrum

Workshop: Medical red flags


2017 Symposium materials

Thank you for attending the 35th Annual Child Abuse Council Symposium on April 28, 2017 at Villa Ragusa in Downtown Campbell. Congratulations to Angel Award recipient, Dorothy Ross, and Child Protectors of the Year, Yvonne Ruano and Anne Hollywood.

Inspirational speaker, Chloe Howard

Keynote address by Charlie Appelstein, MSW

Plenary session: Juvenile hall with James Gibbons-Shapiro and Chris Arriola

Child Abuse Council healthy relationships campaign and public service announcement

Workshop: Addressing the needs of children of incarcerated parents with Samara Marion and Captain Daniel Rodriguez

Workshop: The effects of growing up in communities with violence with Dr. Howard Pinderhughes

Workshop: Medical community's response to reports of child abuse and neglect with Steve Baron, Marlene Sturm, MD, Mary Ritter, Melody Kinney, Det. Matthew Peyton, and Mandana Mahdavi

Other helpful information


2016 Symposium materials

Thank you for attending the 34th Annual Symposium on April 1, 2016 at Villa Ragusa.

Keynote address by Dr. David Finkelhor

Workshop: Homeless youth

Workshop: Gender identity

Workshop: Sentinel injuries

  • Please email [email protected] for a copy of Dr. Tayama's PowerPoint on Sentinel Injuries.

Symposium program


2015 Symposium materials

Keynote Address: Health consequences of child abuse - Dr. Randell Alexander

Plenary Session - International human rights and juvenile justice in California

Plenary Session: Child trafficking

Workshop: Psychotropic medications

Workshop: Refugee and unaccompanied children

  • Materials not available at this time.  

Workshop: CDRT: Teen suicide

Workshop: Preventing burnout

Congratulations to the 2015 Angel Award Recipients for more than 30 consecutive years of service to the Child Abuse Council of Santa Clara County: Penelope Blake, Ken Borelli, Nora Manchester, Fran Naylor, and Ann Whyte.

General symposium reference

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