Mandated reporter resources
Who is a Mandated Reporter?
- Certain people are Mandated Reporters of Child Abuse and must make a report regarding any reasonable suspicion of child abuse.
- A mandated reporter is not to conduct an investigation or collect evidence before making a report.
- Reporting to a direct supervisor such as a school principal or childcare director does not meet your requirement as a Mandated Reporter under the eyes of the law.
- Listing of Mandated Reporters as defined by Penal Code 11165.7
- Reportable type of abuse
- Mandated Reporters professional training
Report child abuseview child abuse statistics, studies and reports
Mandated Reporter training - Available via Zoom!
The Santa Clara County Department of Family Children’s Services in partnership with Community Solutions provides FREE monthly Mandated Reporter trainings (virtual/in-person) in English or Spanish. View the flyer to see training dates and registration information.
Agencies may also request to host their own, separate training by contacting [email protected] or calling (408) 842-7138 for further information. The Mandated Reporter Training is 3 hours and is available to Santa Clara County Mandated Reporters. CEUs are provided.
The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) and the Office of Child Abuse Prevention (OCAP) also provide free 24/7 self-paced Mandated Reporter training online in English and Spanish view the 24/7 training here. It provides additional, profession-specific modules as well.
Mandated Reporters should check with their employment agency before registering to ensure trainings satisfy employment requirements.